Sunday, 29 July 2018

The Place To Be

Well, here I am again... The Royal Papworth Hospital, it really is 'the place to be'... You know how kids have a cool place to hang out? Whether it be the park, the local shopping centre or even a McDonald's... Well, Papworth is like that for me... When I come in here its like I'm seeing my 'other family'. 

SO, the reason I have come in, is because of a chest infection. But not just that, my lung function has gone down. Quite a considerable amount... A month and a half ago my PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) result was 63%, which I'd say is not too bad, considering I had a baby 10 months ago!
I did the test just before being admitted and it has gone down to 40%. That' s the lowest my Lung Function has been in at least 9 years... I've never seen it that low and it scared me.

Day 1. The Admission...

So, I wake up, nothing's packed, not my stuff, not E's stuff, literally nothing. E cried and screamed, and refused breakfast, or a cuddle, she even refused to nap. I was willing her to nap so I could get things sorted... My sister wasn't getting her until after lunch time, 'Please for the love of God E, just let me pack!!' I managed to pack her clothes, that was it, my sister arrived to pick her up, she hadn't had lunch, she wasn't dressed. I finally managed to pack everything. and after a little goodbye kiss, off she went, it's like a holiday for her, 2 weeks without Mummy, but 2 whole weeks with her favourite Auntie and cousin.

Anyway, I called the hospital to make sure my bed was still available. It was, only it wasn't ready yet. They have to make sure each room is cleaned thoroughly between patients and this particular room needed to air out properly for 3 hours before I could use it. I went up to the hospital anyway, to get things started. It was almost 3pm.

I was shoved into Annual Review Room 2. A small room, with no air con, a tiny gap in the open window, and no TV or anything. I ended up watching Friends on Netflix on my phone all afternoon. A HCA came and she brought me some food, I had a cheese toastie, and a cup of tea... Finally a nurse came to access my port, give me my first dose of antibiotics and to take the relevant bloods. I was then left again until tea. I had a jacket potato with cheese. This was at 5:30pm.

Was my room ready yet? No! The nurses changed over at 7:30pm and I finally got into my room at 8pm! I went to sleep and woke up at 11:15 for my IV's then went back to sleep for the night.

Day 2. Naptime

I had to have a blood test called a CBG (Capillary Blood Gas). Then I took a walk over to get my breakfast, came back and my bed was freshly made. Lovely! I had a lovely video call with E, and Mason of course! And then I went for another little walk, this time with the Physiotherapist.

The doctor came to see me, but he's not just any doctor. He's a Professor! He suggested starting a constant infusion of something called Aminophyline. I hate being attached to the drip 24/7 but I guess if it's going to help even slightly then it's worth a go, right? I spent the rest of the day napping, between lunch and dinner I almost slept the entire time. More Iv's throughout the day, oh and the Aminophyline gave me the most horrendous headache! That's one of the wonderful side effects that I get every time I have it!

It's Not All Bad...
It's not all doom and gloom in here though... Yes I'm trapped for 2 weeks inside the same 4 walls, yes the food isn't the best, yes it does my head in that I have too much time to think, yes I miss E massively.

But when I'm here... I feel comfortable, the staff are great, they know me well, they ask about E. they even ask about my sister and her little boy. They are genuinely interested in my life outside of the hospital!! They have fun, they make laugh. They all make my time in here more bearable!


Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Oh How You’ve Grown

So today I was sat with my neighbour and her baby in the garden. E was sat on a picnic blanket playing with some sensory balls and the grass, of all things, this was the most interesting!!

I looked at the way E was sitting and she had one leg in front of her and one kind of twisted to the side... That couldn’t have been comfortable... Anyway she was reaching out for the spikey ball in front of her, and she was lifting her bum off the floor! 

She’s really been getting better with her balance this last week or so!! I can’t beleive how quickly they grow up!! She’s been trying to push herself up into her knees this week to so crawling isn’t far on the horizon I don’t think!!

They say to cherish every moment you have with them while they’re young. And I believe that is the one thing that EVERY parent should listen to. They will be grown before you know it and will think they don’t need their Mummy anymore. Give them a cuddle when they want it. Give them a kiss before you go to sleep every night.

One day they will be grown, and you’ll wish they were a baby all over again...

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