In December 2018 I was discharged from the local Adult Mental Health Team. All was going well, I had started to feel so much better. I was glad to be able to get back to a relatively normal life (as normal as you can get with a one year old anyway!)
It didn't last long... In February it started again... I started to have less and less motivation for things, baby groups, heading out for a walk, trips to the park... Not too seriously, I could force myself to do things, but I really didn't want to!
March came, the 7th to be exact... This turned out to be one of the worst days I can remember... The worst day for me this year... I've had some pretty bad days, because of lots of different things... But this one just tipped me that little bit too far...
I remember it like it was yesterday... just after 9pm, I was watching the telly with Gary... I got a WhatsApp message from one of my best friends... She has CF too... The message simply read
I thought she was going to tell me something about unicorns, or Disney, or something daft her Dad had done again... That's what it normally was...
Our friend Lewis, had been in Royal Papworth for a few weeks, coming up a month... He'd caught flu and it made him very poorly. We were all hoping, wishing praying that he was going to be ok, and then we hadn't heard anything for a little while, I figured he was taking time away from social media to concentrate on getting better. After all, Mummy Sam was posting updates every now and again.
My phone pinged again, and Jenni's next message absolutely broke my heart.
"Lewis has passed away"
I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do... I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks so I got up and left the room. I went and sat on my bed and just cried. I didn't tell Gary, I just had my time to let out the emotion and I went back, and sat in silence...
Over the next few weeks I realised that losing one of my closest hospital friends was having more of an impact on me than I was letting myself believe. Everything seemed such a problem, I was getting more and more angry and agitated about things that didn't warrant getting angry. I went to a doctors appointment (for something completely separate) and I just broke down. I couldn't pretend I was ok anymore. She told me it was completely normal. I hadn't just lost a friend, to such a cruel illness. I have that illness and she told me it was probably the reality of the illness hitting me.
One day that is going to happen to me, and I'm going to leave behind my children, nieces, nephews, friends and other family. It happens to everyone, and no one knows when that day will come, but you know what makes it worse for me?
Lewis was 21. Him and his partner, Chris, were due to marry. They had a holiday booked this year. They had their little pup. They wanted to start a family... Lewis had his whole life ahead of him, and that was ripped away from him in such a short space of time, and all because he had caught Flu.
Complications from such simple and every day illnesses, take the lives of people that don't deserve it. Yet some people don't see that...
"You'll be fine, I've only got a cough"
"It's just a little cough, stop moaning about it"
"We all get ill, coughs and colds are normal"
Yes. YOU will be fine, and the majority of the time, I will be too. But just think next time your ill, and are supposed to be seeing me. Cancel. Cystic Fibrosis and complications from simple illnesses can be fatal.
I am due to be seen by the Mental Health Team again soon. They are reviewing my medications and are referring me for some talking therapies. I am really anxious about starting that, but I know that if I don't, it wont just be me that suffers. I'm putting a burden on my partner, and that's not fair. I also have to think about the safety and welfare of my daughter. She doesn't deserve to suffer just because I am.
Don't be ashamed of feeling the way you do. It's not your fault. It is no ones fault. Some things just set you off and that's it. My trigger this time wasn't a very nice one. And in no way do I blame my mental health on what happened. I just couldn't process it at the time and let my feelings and emotions get the better of me.
If you feel like you are suffering with any type of mental health, or you know someone that is
Thank you all so much for supporting me on this journey.
Lots of Love, K